Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Green Oil Kit Has Arrived

It may have taken a while to get this length, but to be fair to Mr Green Oil he's been on BBC News with this stuff lately so I guess he had more important things on his mind than getting my kit in the post!

Today the Parcelfarce van rolled up the drive and a fairly shabby looking box landed in through the door. Looked a bit like they couldn't find a football for their tea-break and booted this around instead. Cheers boys.
Once I had completed the completely pointless exercise of trying to fit something that looks even remotely like your own signature into the handheld computer thing the postymen have, I got my hands on the box. I ended up sending the postman away with a scribble that not even a dyslexic one year old fish would be proud of, although I'd answered the door with only one holey(not holy..) sock on as I was in the middle of putting me socks on when the doorbell rang, so I'd imagine with the overall appearance I was going for, he wasn't terribly surprised with my attempt at a signature. Art, I shall call it...

Got the box opened and this was what was inside. Looks pretty sick it's gotta be said.

Huge thanks to Green Oil for supporting me this year, looking forward to working with them.
Take a look at their website -


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